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Something Magical

Something genuinely magical happens when parents turn into Grandparents. Mr. B and I were recently informed that we were being promoted from Mom and Dad to Papa and Nonna. I first thought of how exciting it would be to watch Princess #2 and her husband becoming parents.

As parents of adult children, they now let us know some of our shortcomings as parents. I think I said this before: Mr. B and I have four princesses, and our oldest started kindergarten when our youngest princess was born. So we had four under five. We worked opposite schedules, so one of us was always with them. When I got home from working a double on Mr. B's day off, I would ask how the day went. He always replied that they made it through the day without an injury. So, I considered it a win.

We did not have high expectations in those days. Our only goal was for our children to feel our love, be healthy, happy, safe, and be the best “YOU” they could be.

I know this little baby will be loved. How could it not be with parents who are so in love? This will be a new adventure for them. Another part of this adventure for us is watching her sisters' excitement to spoil their first niece or nephew, although they will have some stiff competition because Papa and Nonna are ready to spoil and love our first grandchild.

Happy Reading!





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