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Who Is Katrina A Bauer?

Myself with fellow authors, India Powers and Cici Edwards at Fox Lake District Library Mini Author Fair

For my first blog in a long while, I would like to reintroduce myself and tell you a little about me. I live in a suburb of Chicago with my husband and a huge chocolate lab named Bruce. We have four amazing daughters navigating the adulting world with a bit of sass and humor. As my dad used to say, "If you don't have a sense of humor, you will never make it through life. But, most importantly, having children." So, our sense of humor kept us going, looking back at raising our four daughters, all less than two years apart.

Besides being a writer, I work in the Orthopedics field of medicine, taking care of patients and making sure all of their needs are met.

I wanted to share a little about my author life with you. I belong to several writing groups. One is Romance Writers of America; being part of a writers' organization helped me learn my craft from other writers. I made so many friends along the way.

No great man lives in vain. The history of the world is but the biography of great men.

~ Thomas Carlyle


Another big part of who I am is a huge American History buff. I was very nervous about this new book and how it would be received. So instead of being nauseous and anxious, we stayed busy by soaking up American history. My hubby and I headed for a long drive to New York to celebrate my release week. We got to our hotel in Weehawken, New Jersey, past ten o'clock. Our view of New York across the Hudson was breathtaking. We walked around the bay and fell asleep when we got up to our room.

Being in Weehawken and less than a few miles from the Dueling grounds, the site of Phillip and Alexander Hamilton losing their duels, was genuinely one of my favorite experiences. (Side n

ote, George Washington and Alexander Hamilton are some of my favorite people in history). Standing on the other side of the Hudson and taking into account how they had to row across the Hudson was mind-blowing. We visited Trinity Church and the oldest tavern in New York. Being in the “room where it happened” gave me so much inspiration.

We also planned this trip to visit our oldest Princess in Philadelphia. As you can imagine, I dragged hubby and our Princess to all the historical sites in Philadelphia.

I started writing the second book in the Flames of Light Series, Bound by Crystals, on the long way home.

Following all the great men of the revolutionary war inspired me to write and write.

So stay tuned. There is more to come.



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