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The only advice anyone can give is if you want to be a writer, keep writing. And read all you can, read everything.

~ Stan Lee

As a writer, I write stories where my characters find their Happily Ever After. Of course, it will not be an easy road they travel to get to their Happily Ever After. But, they will get there, hopefully with some laughter and a lot of love.

Reading books is another way to escape what is happening in the world and find comfort (and yes, like the movies, I read books again and again.) A story and its characters can wrap around us like a worn old blanket creating a sanctuary of security and warmth. A familiar place filled with love and acceptance.

In a way, authors are superheroes giving people a soft place to land to escape their troubles for a while.

I have taken Stan Lee’s advice to heart, read many new genres, and fell in love with them. With the multitude of genres out in the world today, readers can find a character they relate to and connect with. One of my favorite genres right now is male/male.

There are so many variations, and I have read paranormal and contemporary. I love them both.

These characters find a place to be accepted for who they are, find a home, and be loved. The end of these stories fill me with joy not only for the characters but for people around the world finding where they belong.

I hope you take Stan Lee’s words to heart and pick up a book you might have never thought to read.

Enjoy the adventure!


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